Christian Alandete
Curator and critic based in paris. His projects are mostly based on research­ in borderline experiments and displacement from what we can expect from a regular situation. It includes proj-ects as well in contemporary art, contemporary literature and contemporary applied art fields. He Hold a Bachelor Degree in Cinema and Medias, a Master Degree in Fashion, a Master Degree in Cultural Studies and was part of the residency program Curatorlab 2007-08 (Stockholm - Sweden).

Christian Bontzolakis
Born in 1946, lives in Ardeche. He frequently works with choreographers, musicians, artists, photographers and directors, notably in coordination with working class neighborhoods as well as young adults in the process of reintegration. He has published a novel, Sous l’aile d’un corbeau (Under the wing of the Raven), published by Éditions Jean-Michel Place, and several plays and essays, published by Éditions du Pin, like his most recent one : Théâtres, fiction.



Christian Alandete
Christian Bontzolakis

Frédéric Bodet
Caroline Broadhead
Pierre-Damien Huyghe
Yves Sabourin
François Seigneur
Georges Vigarello
Norman Weber

Frédéric Bodet
Conservation Assistant in the modern and contemporary department of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, he is specialising in ceramics and jewellery. Since 2004, he has been a curator at the Fondation Bernardaud in Limoges. He was the artistic director for the 2005 Nouvelle Biennale de Châteauroux, which in 2006 was repeated, as Céramique Fiction, at the musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen. He is one of the authors of Céramiques XXe siècle, collection du musée des Arts décoratifs (Les Arts Décoratifs, 2006),and of Guidette Carbonell, céramiques et tapisseries (Norma, 2007). He was also the associate curator for the retrospective of Carbonell’s work that was held in Paris, Roubaix and Rouen (2007-2008). He has worked on the museo-graphic project that is being implemented by the Galerie des Bijoux, and the permanent collection at the musée des Arts décoratifs (2004), where he has been involved in organising a number of exhibitions,
including Line Vautrin, Secrets de Bijoux (1999), Jacques Gautier, Bijoux-Lumière (1999), Barbara Berger’s collection, Trop (2003), and Dieter Roth, Les Bijoux (2008).



Christian Alandete
Christian Bontzolakis
Frédéric Bodet
Caroline Broadhead
Pierre-Damien Huyghe
Yves Sabourin
François Seigneur
Georges Vigarello
Norman Weber

Caroline Broadhead
Over more than thirty years, Caroline Broadhead’s work has explored objects in contact with the body; objects that represent the body and more recently work that investigates space around the body. She is concerned with boundaries of an individual; between inside and outside, public and private, this includes a sense of territory and personal space, presence and absence and the creation of a balance between substance and image.

Pierre-Damien Huyghe
Is a professor at Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne. His core interests are painting and the arts of the image, and he has developed generalised concepts for the different modes (art, industry, etc.) of humanity’s relationship to technique. He is the author of Art et industrie Philosophie du Bauhaus (Circé, 1999), Le Différend esthétique (Circé, 2004), and Éloge de l’aspect, Éléments d’analyse critique et paradoxale de l’industrie comme divertissement (Mix, 2006).



Christian Alandete
Christian Bontzolakis
Frédéric Bodet
Caroline Broadhead
Pierre-Damien Huyghe

Yves Sabourin
François Seigneur
Georges Vigarello
Norman Weber

Yves Sabourin
Since 1996, Yves Sabourin, who is an inspector for artistic creation at the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, has been in charge of a sector which, in a framework of commissions, articulates artistic creativity with a number of the skills involved in the decorative arts, such as lacemaking, embroidery and tapestry. He is also an expert assessor of dossiers covering the full range of the decorative arts. Since 1996, he has been working on projects that concern patrimonial techniques, in France and elsewhere. His work finds concrete expression in the Métissages (Crossbreedings) project, which has been exhibited round the world - initially in 1998, in Paris, and for the 19th time in 2007, in Bangkok), along with parallel, related proj-ects whose theme is that of artists and their knowhow, in both traditional and modern contexts.



Christian Alandete
Christian Bontzolakis
Frédéric Bodet
Caroline Broadhead
Pierre-Damien Huyghe
Yves Sabourin
François Seigneur
Georges Vigarello
Norman Weber

François Seigneur
Since the 1970s, the architect François Seigneur has been pursuing a critical examination of his discipline. In 1992, he designed the French pavillon for the Universal Exposition in Seville, and in 2005 the Malgré-Nous memorial in Schirmeck, Alsace. He has worked on museum scenography, both in conceptual and in practical terms, notably with the 1993 Design, miroir du siècle at the Grand Palais, Paris. He is interested in the transverse relations between cultures, disciplines and thinking processes, and is the author of the theoretical text Esthétique faible et rattachée which was published in Architecture principe, 1996, as well as Le ciel officiel dans Où commence le ciel? (Filigranes, 1996) and Ordre et désordre en architecture (Éditions du Pin, 2003). In the framework of Les Nouveaux commanditaires (The new patrons) of the Fondation de France, he is currently working on Le Trait d’Génie, a work of art and architecture that looks at the memory of the past and the future, in the Côtes-d’Armor, Brittany.



Christian Alandete
Christian Bontzolakis
Frédéric Bodet
Caroline Broadhead
Pierre-Damien Huyghe
Yves Sabourin
François Seigneur
Georges Vigarello
Norman Weber

Georges Vigarello
Is the head of studies at the école des Hautes étude en Scienc-es Sociales, and a former member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He is the author of works on representations of the body, among them: Le corps redressé (Seuil, 1978) ; Le Propre et le Sale - L’hygiène du corps depuis le Moyen Âge (Seuil, 1985) ; Du jeu ancien au show sportif (Seuil, 2002) ; Histoire de la beauté (Seuil, 2004) ; Histoire du corps : Tome 1, De la Renaissance aux Lumières and contributed to Histoire du corps : Tome 2, De la révolution à la Grande Guerre (Alain Corbin dir., Seuil, 2005) and Histoire du corps : Tome 3, Les mutations du regard, Le XXe siècle.

Norman Weber
Studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich, with: Prof. Hermann Jünger, Prof. Otto Künzli as Masterstudent. Exibitions: Nationalmuseum, Stockholm / Pinakothek der Moderne, München / Centro Cultural de Belém, Lissabon / Victoria & Albert Museum, London / American Craft Museum, New York City / Künstlerhaus, Wien / Kunsthalle, Bonn / Kunsthal, Rotterdam / Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf.



Christian Alandete
Christian Bontzolakis
Frédéric Bodet
Caroline Broadhead
Pierre-Damien Huyghe
Yves Sabourin
François Seigneur
Georges Vigarello
Norman Weber
